What was the inspiration for AKA?

Attitude Kills Ambition started as a much-needed creative outlet during the darkest time of my life. Stress and depression had led to alcohol abuse and eventually the loss of my relationship. It felt like my entire world came crashing down. My fiancé had finally grown tired of my self-destructive habits and ignored ultimatums. I found myself trying to put the pieces of my life back together while living on my best friend’s couch.

The realization of losing my future was enough for me to put the bottle down for good in 2019. For the first time in adulthood, I had to face my emotions without liquid courage or my #1 supporter. Guilt, shame and failure were the only things I saw in the mirror.

After a couple weeks of reflection in solitude, I began to realize that my mindset was truly the root of all of my issues. I had allowed self-doubt, insecurities and fear to creep into my outlook on reality. Ultimately, I wasn’t happy with where I was in my life and frustrated knowing I had the power to change that.

I became dedicated to my mental wellness and focused on becoming the best version of myself. Audiobooks, podcasts and opening up to others became my daily therapy. My vulnerability showed me I wasn’t the only creative struggling with balancing a 9-5 with my passion.

A month into my sobriety, I began making shirts that I could proudly wear as reminders to myself to keep going. My first design was based on the crossed-out word, “Struggle”. The concept was personal to me as I saw myself using past struggles and hardship to justify my current actions. Every time I wore that shirt, it reminded me that I was in total control of my mindset and actions moving forward.

Offering the designs to the public was a scary thought (still is). Each concept is so personal and the introvert in me hated putting myself out there. Yet again, I was at war with my self-doubt. Ultimately, the open conversations I had with others let me know that I wasn't the only one in need of a positive message.

What is the story behind the name & logo?

I’ve used the "AKA" acronym since I started producing music and DJing in 2006. I came up with the nickname “AKAtheMajor” as a play on my middle name (Major) and one of my favorite movies, “Green Street Hooligans.” Attitude Kills Ambition came organically from the acronym and took on a larger meaning in my battles with mental health.

The logo is actually my signature for my artwork. It consists of the combined letters, "AKA". I had it tattooed on my shoulder a few years ago. Seeing it everyday in the mirror keeps me accountable.

What is your vision for Attitude Kills Ambition?

The vision is to grow and empower a supportive community of like-minded thinkers. Attitude Kills Ambition is a mindset that goes far beyond apparel. Every day can be a struggle and AKA gives me a greater sense of purpose. I enjoy expanding the catalog when I'm inspired by personal events as well as stories from others. I plan to continue to give a piece of me in every design I create. If one person gains inspiration to overcome their personal adversity, it genuinely means the world to me.

What does an AKAFam member look like?

An AKAFam member is anyone that can relate to the struggles of overcoming self-doubt, achieving personal goals and maintaining a positive mindset. Being part of the AKAFam represents the awareness and courage to take action in the battle of mental health. Know that you are not alone. Share your story!